Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy be-lated Father's Day

As we emptied the back packs to start a new year, we found a survey that Maegan had taken for father's day. This is what she had to say about Paul:

What is your father's name? Paul
How old is he? How many as my Mom
How tall is he? 6 feet
How much does he weigh? 10 lbs
What color is his hair? brown
What does he do around the house? Give us snacks
What is his favorite drink? Milk
What is his favorite food? hot dogs
What is his favorite T.V. show? Grown up TV
Where does he work? works for computers
Where does he like to go? out for ice cream
What is his favorite hobby? push me on the swings

I am lucky to have both the best father I could have ever imagined and the best father to my children that I could ever want. Thank you Dad for all you have done for me and thank you Paul for all the coaching you do and the love you give and the hard work you do to support our family financially and emotionally. I love you Dad and Paul! Happy be-lated Father's day!

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