Grayson is loving pre-school and making lots of friends. He looks forward to going to school. Thanks in large part to the leap frog letter factory DVD loaned to us by the Schmitt family; he is getting quite good at letter recognition and sounds.
Maegan is rapidly progressing in her reading abilities and is keeping up well with the curriculum. She has gotten 100% on nearly every math and spelling test she has taken. She's still difficult to get organized and often misses the school bus, but she marches to her own beat and we love her just the way she is!
Tommy got a report card to be proud of with a healthy mix of A's and B's. His teacher says he is a joy in class (minus a little too much chatting - no idea where he gets that from!!). He is a social leader for his peers and often called to illustrate math problem solving for the whole class. He is starting to become a more avid reader and is overall a great student.
Hannah's report card was amazing. She scored all A's including three A+ scores. We are very proud of her academic determination. She is a hard worker and it clearly pays off. She works very independently and is able to manage her time and plan assignments accordingly. A skill I'm sure I didn't truly develop until AFTER college.
Paul and I have much to be thankful for. We are blessed with four healthy, happy and high achieving children and we couldn't be prouder of each and every one of them!!
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