10. My lengthy attention span
9. All three of my well educated, well accomplished beautiful sisters and their spouses.
8. Parents who have not just overcome obstacles, but have built an amazingly
successful marriage, family, and achieved financially what I can't yet comprehend doing myself.
7. 12 years of fidelity in the institution of marriage through all it's ups and downs.
6. Tommy's tenacious determination and natural kindness, intelligence and athletic ability (congrats on making A team basketball... one of 10 out of over 50 boys who tried out :)
5. Hannah's enthusiasm, passion, leadership and her belief that she can change the world (my little environmentalist).
4. Maegan's free spirit, (which
consistently pushes me to re-define being a nurturing parent).
Grayson... still a work in progress; but already a masterpiece.
2. Friendships that have lasted decades.
1. That no matter how far I bend and how many times I've broken, I keep coming back for more and trying to get it right.
God bless every single day we have something to be proud of...