Hannah spent last week at Camp Bournedale with the entire sixth grade class from Wrentham Elementary. Here is a note I got from a parent chaperon that spent a night in Hannah's Cabin:
"Thought I'd drop you a quick note to let you know that Hannah was doing great. She was definitely a leader in their cabin and made sure the girls kept to their shower schedules and lights out at 10 pm. She truly made my job very easy and was a big help! She went to sleep by 10:30, so was first one up - 6:30, in the shower by 6:45 and out the door to the rec center by 7:30. She kept me company this morning while all the other girls woke up and took their time getting ready (some were up much later last night). I enjoyed hearing about books she has read :) I gave her your note and she wrote you one back, but I am heading to the cape, so will not have time to get it to you.
However, it reads "Mom, weather been wet too! miss you! I love you mom. I do have many adventures and pictures! Love, Hannah""
However, it reads "Mom, weather been wet too! miss you! I love you mom. I do have many adventures and pictures! Love, Hannah""
Thought this was very funny and very Hannah... I hope the other girls appreciate her leadership skills as much as the chaperons do!!