Today we hosted a party to coordinate a care package to be sent to Josh in Iraq. Aimee had the perfect idea of using strips of red & green construction paper to write messages on, that could then be assembled into a Christmas paper chain to decorate Josh's room. My personal favorite was "If you think I'm cute, you should meet my COUSINS" and "Knock, Knock, whose there? Iraq. Iraq who? I "raqed" my tank!" Unfortunately, I was so busy harassing people with our new video camera, that I didn't get any good still shots to post. However, Paul and I are working on editing the video and will try to post that to the site soon. Stay tuned!
Also this week, Murphy was neutered. Hence, the fashionable cone. And, Paul and I joined Facebook, and our world has not been the same sense. I can not believe the time we have invested into that site. However, I am truly happy that I have gotten in touch with some old and dear friends, as has Paul, and I am REALLY looking forward to having lunch with my freshman year roommate, Audra. As much time as we have "wasted" poking around Facebook, to reconnect with people who have left footprints on our heart is more valuable than any amount of time or money. Here's to wishing everyone a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING. We are so thankful for our friends, family and good fortune. God bless.
PS - Vote for team names for our upcoming Ginger Bread House contest...